Blue Roses
There's a new Gardner in the rose garden
Maybe it’s the old man himself
With all this mist in my eyes
I cannot tell
There's a new Gardner in the rose garden
He prunes and rose petals fall to the ground
The roses are pretty
They take your breath away
Roses white
Roses red
Roses yellow kissed by the sun
Roses every color beneath the big blue sky
Like wool from sheep he snips, and he shears
Big scissors pruning the tiniest of petals
Every stem he cleans
Until all the earth is a bed of rose petals
And on every stem only thorns remain
The Gardner tends carefully to these thorns
He gives each new thorn a name
He knows it from when it was a bud
While the petals die on the ground
And their beauty is trampled under his heavy feet
The thorns grow bigger and sharper
More terrible to behold with each passing day
The Gardner bestows on us beautiful bouquets of thorns
Bushes so stunning we forget what color the roses were
From near and far we all come to behold
Weary and bent over from sadness and sorrow
We each receive a bushel of thistles and thorns
We water them with our tears
We clutch them in our raised bleeding fists
The thorns cut deep
Our voices cry out from deep inside our bleeding hearts
The roses are dead!
All the beautiful petals are trampled on the ground
Let us beat ourselves with these bouquets of thorns
And do penance for our sorrow is great
Who shall put an end to this horror?
Where shall we go and hide our faces from the evil Gardner?
Roses grow not well in his garden
We must watch over them now by day and by night
No one trusts the Gardner anymore
He prunes and he smashes every petal from every Rose
Yet every day his garden grows
I think he waters it with our pain and our sorrow
Mixes it with the blood from our raised fists
And watches each day as our grief reaches to the heavens above
The Gardner has shaped in us a new misery
There is no shadow of hope in our hearts
We are defeated and we have left our senses behind
We feel nothing at last, we can’t even taste the air
With each rose he cuts down,
The earth is run over with decay
Bloodied petals floating in a stream of tears
Bloodied hands grasping and searching this river of pain
“Have you seen the petals that match my beautiful rose?”
Everyone is searching and finding not
Who shall rescue us from the judgment of this generation?
When will the Roses feel the sun and the air again?
Is the Gardner at fault for tending to this garden?
From Columbine to Sandy Hook
From Stoneman Douglas to Uvalde
The Gardner has broken us all
The Gardner knows just what we long for
Red, white, and yellow roses with the best silky soft petals
But blue roses are what the Gardner wants to grow
Blue rose with big sharp thorny stems
The unlikely preferred blossom for this enlightened generation
We are too busy to tend to our own gardens
No one sees the sunrise
And nobody knows a sunset
This the Gardner knows all too well
In his garden the sun nether sets nor rises
Broken hearts and hopeless spirits
Are its rising and falling
Yet this garden only grows
Tomorrow there will be more roses to prune
A lot more thorns to sharpen
More wailing in the streets
More tears to water the earth
But I alone have a secret that I might share
For I now know the mystery of this world
The key to a good life
My heart has found something worth living for
A thing more precious than my own dear life
I have planted a garden of my own
It faces to the east where hope rises with the morning sun
And rests in the west with the dusk when stars come out shining
I tend to my own garden
With a song for every bright and blossoming flower
I have named each rose in my garden
I shall not lay to waste any of their purpose
My rose garden is my sanctuary and the crown of my heritage
Bloom for me bloom
Beautiful rose of mine
Bloom before me
And the Gardner shall not pluck you out
From my strong and powerful hand
Drink in the sunrise
And strengthen your petals while I shield you with my love
Dance into the sunset
And make my heart proud with the sound of your merry making
Beautiful roses of my youth
Beautiful roses so rare
A beautiful field of roses
That covers my whole heart.